Module Authors
Nuxt DevTools is designed to be extensible. You can add your own modules integration to the DevTools.
Starter Template
If you want to try integrating with Nuxt DevTools, you can run
npx nuxi init my-module -t module-devtools
to create a new module starter with Nuxt DevTools integration pre-configured (contributing a fully custom view as a tab).
Contributing to View
Currently the only way to contribute to Nuxt DevTools View is via iframe. You need to serve your module's view yourself and then register it to the DevTools.
You can use the utility kit provided by Nuxt DevTools to register your custom tab:
import { addCustomTab } from '@nuxt/devtools-kit'
// unique identifier
name: 'my-module',
// title to display in the tab
title: 'My Module',
// any icon from Iconify, or a URL to an image
icon: 'carbon:apps',
// iframe view
view: {
type: 'iframe',
src: '/url-to-your-module-view',
Or if you prefer to use Nuxt hooks:
nuxt.hook('devtools:customTabs', (tabs) => {
// unique identifier
name: 'my-module',
// title to display in the tab
title: 'My Module',
// any icon from Iconify, or a URL to an image
icon: 'carbon:apps',
// iframe view
view: {
type: 'iframe',
src: '/url-to-your-module-view',
Learn more about DevTools Utility Kit.
Lazy Service Launching
If the view you are contributing is heavy to load, you can have the tab first and let user launch it when they need it.
let isReady = false
const promise: Promise<any> | null = null
async function launchService() {
// ...launch your service
isReady = true
nuxt.hook('devtools:customTabs', (tabs) => {
name: 'my-module',
title: 'My Module',
view: isReady
? {
type: 'iframe',
src: '/url-to-your-module-view',
: {
type: 'launch',
description: 'Launch My Module',
actions: [{
label: 'Start',
async handle() {
if (!promise)
promise = launchService()
await promise
It will first display a launch page with a button to start the service. When user click the button, the handle()
will be called, and the view will be updated to iframe.
When you need to refresh the custom tabs, you can call nuxt.callHook('devtools:customTabs:refresh')
and the hooks on devtools:customTabs
will be revaluated again.
API for Custom View
Please refer to Iframe Client.
Custom RPC Functions
Nuxt DevTools uses Remote Procedure Call (RPC) to communicate between the server and client. For modules you can also leverage that to communicate your server code.
To do that, we recommend to define your types in a shared TypeScript file first:
// rpc-types.ts
export interface ServerFunctions {
getMyModuleOptions: () => MyModuleOptions
export interface ClientFunctions {
showNotification: (message: string) => void
And then in your module code:
import { defineNuxtModule } from '@nuxt/kit'
import { extendServerRpc, onDevToolsInitialized } from '@nuxt/devtools-kit'
import type { ClientFunctions, ServerFunctions } from './rpc-types'
const RPC_NAMESPACE = 'my-module-rpc'
export default defineNuxtModule({
setup(options, nuxt) {
// wait for DevTools to be initialized
onDevToolsInitialized(async () => {
const rpc = extendServerRpc<ClientFunctions, ServerFunctions>(RPC_NAMESPACE, {
// register server RPC functions
getMyModuleOptions() {
return options
// call client RPC functions
// since it might have multiple clients connected, we use `broadcast` to call all of them
await rpc.broadcast.showNotification('Hello from My Module!')
And on the embedded iframe client side, you can do:
import { onDevtoolsClientConnected } from '@nuxt/devtools-kit/iframe-client'
import type { ClientFunctions, ServerFunctions } from './rpc-types'
const RPC_NAMESPACE = 'my-module-rpc'
onDevtoolsClientConnected(async (client) => {
const rpc = client.devtools.extendClientRpc(RPC_NAMESPACE, {
showNotification(message) {
// call server RPC functions
const options = await rpc.getMyModuleOptions()
Trying Local Changes
You can clone Nuxt DevTools repo and try your changes locally.
Please refer to Trying Local Changes.
Here are a few examples of how to integrate Nuxt DevTools in modules: